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Danish West Indies
Record creator West Indian government
Record Series Subject files: Land register forms (Slave lists)
Content for byerne 1809 -
(Alle billeder i serien):
At the top of the page
Year 1810
Name of the island St. Croix
Name of the town Christiansted
Street name and house no. (name of house if any) or name of plantation and land registry no. Compagniets Gade 55
Name of owner Couldn't be filled
Name and status (Slave/Free)
Name J. G. Billund
Slave or free Fri
Other text
Name and status (Slave/Free)
Name Ester Henricus
Slave or free Fri
Name and status (Slave/Free)
Name Lucy Mc. Gommery
Slave or free Fri
Name and status (Slave/Free)
Name Lusinde Gibbs
Slave or free Fri
Name and status (Slave/Free)
Name Hendrick
Slave or free Slave
Name and status (Slave/Free)
Name Maria
Slave or free Slave
Name and status (Slave/Free)
Name Margaretha
Slave or free Slave