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Danish West Indies
Record creator Chamber of Customs, West India and Guinea Revenue Office
Record Series Payrolls of the West Indian Military Forces
Content 1766 -
(Alle billeder i serien):
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Year 1766
Name and rank of soldier
Rank Couldn't be filled
Name Jems Klewitz
Other text
Name and rank of soldier
Rank Couldn't be filled
Name Simon Waltman
Name and rank of soldier
Rank Couldn't be filled
Name Jørgen Abraham
Name and rank of soldier
Rank Couldn't be filled
Name Piere Nicolaj Cladi
Name and rank of soldier
Rank Couldn't be filled
Name Claus Zelle
Name and rank of soldier
Rank Couldn't be filled
Name Frans Beem
Name and rank of soldier
Rank Couldn't be filled
Name Jan Coolman